Chapter 6

Recruiting Earth Wizard

      "Where to?" Dark Mage asked.

      "We are heading to the Earth Temple." Legendary Wizard answered.


      "Hmm, what should I build?" Earth Mage asked himself, "aha, I will build a statue," he said as he build a statue with his magic.


      "Are we there yet?" said Fire Mage.

      "We are halfway there, we just need to avoid the Sea Kraken. The Sea Kraken can cause a lot of trouble to ships by sinking them to the ocean ground!" said Legendary Wizard.

      "Yikes!" Water Princess replied, "we should definitely avoid it."

      "Indeed, luckily it wasn't really that close, the Sea Kraken will only attack if the ship is sailing too close to it." said Legendary Wizard.

      "We are here at last, the Earth Temple where people who controls Earth Magic." said Legendary Wizard.

      "This is amazing," said Light Princess. "I have never seen a temple like this big."

      As they enter the Earth Temple, they meet Earth Mage who wasn't happy to see their appearance.

      "Who are you, and why are you here?" Earth Mage asked.

      "We are not here to harm you, I am the Legendary Wizard who stops the Darkness from taking the islands." said Legendary Wizard.

      "Hmm, the Darkness you say?" Earth Mage said as he heard cannon fires outside the temple.

      "What now?!" said Earth Mage as he walk to the entrance and spotted five Dark Wizards.

      "We are taking control of this temple," said Dark Wizard.

      "Oh no you don't!" Earth Mage said as he throw a giant rock at the Dark Wizards, "taste my Earth Explosion!" Earth Mage said.

      "Oh my god, retreat. This wizard will outmatch us." said Dark Wizard.

      "That will show them not to mess with me." said Earth Mage.

      "Since I help you clear away the enemies from blocking the exit, I will join you for your cause." said Earth Mage.

      "Wow, thank you for feeling confident to join us." said Legendary Wizard. "Now we must go."

      As they recruited Earth Mage from the Earth Temple, they sail to the last destination as the adventure continues.
